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able and desirous to take care of the children, they should be allowed to have them, but they have absolutely no claim by law. It is argued that they, or even the fathers, in cases of illegitimate children, where the mothers are dead, wish to obtain them merely to hire them and for the sake of what they will bring; but even son; that only does to prove they could, under such circumstances, be supported without falling on the County but of course, it is not as well to pay a monthly sum [[strikethrough]]for[[[/strikethrough]] as the wages of one that could be had for his [[strikethrough]]wages[[/strikethrough]] victuals and (scanty) clothes, and one hundred dollars for fourteen years more or less, to say nothing of the probable treatment he may be subjected to all that time. In my opinion, this matter deserves serious consideration, looking to the day when the officer of the Bureau shall cease.
I have to request that the report may not be made public, the reasons for which are obvious.
I am, General, Very Respectfully,
Your obt servt
W.F. De Knight
1st Lt V.R.C. & Asst Supt
B.R.F. & A.L.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-02 16:52:54