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They planters of (this County) seem disposed to rent or sell their land to they Freedmen, giving them (they Freedmen) ample time to pay for Said lands, 

Many of they Freedmen of this County will rent land (to cultivate) during the ensuing year and with a little economy on their part can live independently until the next crop matures.

The best of good feelings seem to exist between the white and colored people of this county. I have not heard of any differently between they different races during the past month. 

They White people of the county are not opposed to the education of the colored people, but on the Contrary many of the White people are teaching they colored people to read and write.

They colored people have free access to all they Churches in this county, and verry many of they White Ministers hold services in their churches for the benefit of the Colored people.

They Colored people of this County need Schools  their is not one organised School for Colored Children in this County.

Very Respectfully 
Your Obedient Servant
Robert Cullen  
2nd. Lieut V.R.C. Asst Supt Bureau RF & AL 
Mecklenburg County Va.      

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-05 08:52:44 Corrected typos. To reduce clutter and improve readability, removed excess bracketing that were indicating mis-spellings, where the intent was clear.