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that have to work for theirs and their Childrens board. these children are suffering for the want of warm clothing and shoes already and many of them are prevented from attending sunday school for want of propper clothing to ware. The freedman of of this town have built a school house for their own use it is all completed with benches desks and a black board and capable of containing from Eighty to Ninety pupils that number could readily be got here for a day school if they could only be sent teachers. I would recommend that two colored teachers be sent at once. They can find board two hundred yards from the school at 12$ per month each. The friends of the school are too poor to pay teachers board but will furnish fuel pay for books and keep school room clean. I have commenced taking the cencis [census] of the Freedmen of this County. I have issued Forty four (44) pair of pants. And Fifty one osnaborg shirts (54) to destitute Freedmen. And have on hand one hundred and eleven (111) paints and one hundred and sixty six shirts (166). for distribution yet.
Very Respectfully
your obedient servant
John O. O'Neill
Capt & Asst Supt 8th Dist of Va.

Transcription Notes:
Osnaborg is a type of fabric.