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Bureau R.F. & A. Lands.
Off A. Supt. sub - Dist Amelia Powhatan
Amelia CH Va Oct. 27th. 1866

In accordance with the provisions of Cir 6 Bureau R.F. & A. Lands Head Quarters Asst. Comr State of Va Richmond Jan 29th 1866 I have the honor to report as follows:

The feeling existing between the Whites and Freedmen is of an amicable nature and it is very rarely that I hear of any injustice being done to the latter.  All the colored people are daily employed and most of them have already secured good homes for the ensuing year.  The condition of Bureau affairs throughout the sub-district is encouraging. 

I have the honor to be,
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Svt.
Jas. Drysdale
2d. Lt VRC & Asst Supt.

Bvt Brig. Genl O Brown
A.A.A.G. Bureau RF & A Lands
State Va.

Transcription Notes:
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