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Capt W.N. Felt, Com Sub. having reported for duty in obedience to the within order is assigned to duty at these Hd. Quarters
R'd 15 June 1865

Jno. A. Jones
York Co Va
July 20th 1865.

Application for the restoration of land in the county of York, and other property; also, for the restoration of Four (4) Lots situated in Yorktown 

Office Asst Supt Freedmen
Yorktown Va July 20th 1865.
Respty forwarded to Capt A.S. Flagg AQM and Supt Freedmen &c. -  The property referred to in this communication is in possession of the Freedmen's Bureau and is at present occupied by fourteen colored families who cultivate about one hundred and twenty acres of land. - The only improvements are a few small houses built by the tenants and of but little value; the leases expire on the 31 Decr 1865.   The statement of Mr. Jones in regard to the manner in which he was compelled to leave his property is entirely reliable: he bears a high character among his former neighbors, and I understand did all in his power to oppose the secession of Virginia.
E.W. Coffin
Capt & C S & Asst Supt Freedmen
The lots referred to are unoccupied and have not been in possession of govt. 
E W Coffin
Capt C S. and A.S.F.

Hd. Qrs. Dist No 1 Ste of Va
July 21st 1865.
Respty ref'd to Col O Brown Asst Com'r Richmond Va, for his action in the premises, and permission given to Mr Jno A Jones to present it in person
A.S. Flagg
Capt A Q M and Supt &c

Hd. Qrs. Asst Com'r
Bureau R.F & A.L
Richmond, Va. 2 Aug 1865.
Respty returned to Capt A.S. Flagg Supt &c &c


Approved.-  The rights of the Freedmen are not to be interfered with.
By order &c
Rec'd & ret'd 2d August/65

Robt Gatewood
12th July 1865.

[[left margin]] Refer 2 Book 54 [[/left margin]]

Hd. Qrs. Bureau R.F &c
Richmond Va. 2d August 1865.
Respty returned to Lt J.H. Keatley who will release this property subject to the conditions recommended in Capt Flagg's endorsement
forw'd 2d August 1865.

Thos. C. Sullivan
Lt Col and Chf C.S.
Dept of Va
Richmond Va
August 1st, 1865

Requesting that the C.S. of the Bureau, feed the Destitute heretofore fed by the Chris: Com'r and Subsistence Dept.

Hd. Qrs. Asst Com'r
Bureau of R.F & A.L
Richmond Va, 2 Aug, 1865.
Respty ret'd to Lt Col Sullivan. I would suggest that your Post Comisy Sub. make such arrangements with Capt Felt, as will enable him (Capt Felt) to feed the Destitute from the Soup House, so that the expense will not stand charged against the Bureau
R'd Augt 1st & forw'd 2d Aug/65.

Nat Russell col'd
Richmond, Va
2d August/65

Robbery and assault by the Provost Guard case brought before Capt J.B. Hager who refused to entertain the charge of maltreatment.

[[left margin]] Refer to Book Folio 194 [[/left margin]]

Bureau R.F & A.L
Office Supt Dist Henrico
Richmond August 2d/65.
Respty forw'd to Col O. Brown, Asst. Com'r, State of Va. The assault on the within mentioned Nat Russell was clearly proven before Capt Hager Asst Pro. Marshal 1st Dist, but he refused to punish the guard.
It was also proved that Russell was not under arrest at the time the Sergt. beat him.
I respectfully request that an appeal may be had from this decision of the P.M.
H.S. Merrell
1st Lt 1st U.S.V.I & Supt Dist Henrico


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-08 08:46:27 This reviewed page had a lot of errors that had to be fixed.