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of debt, or title to property - In cases of dispute in regard to possession, they may act as temporary arbitrators, and for the purpose of maintaining quiet and good order - In cases like this they cannot appoint commissioners, nor institute any measures for the sale or distribution of property, in satisfaction of judgements or claims - Such  proceedings must be left for the civil authority -

No opposition will be made to any legal appraisment or sale of this property, and if the owner or purchaser is entitled by law to the possession, it will be given to him - But no rents or claims for damages for Military occupation during the war can be paid without a special appropriation or the orders of the War Department-
H.W. Halleck U.S. Comdg

Hd. Qrs. U.S. Forces Ea. Shore of Va.
Drummondstown, Va, July 13th 1865
Respty forwarded the within application was brought to me, in person by Dr. Brown, late Surgeon confederate army, the within named property has been used for military purposes since I have been on the shore, and I am informed since 1861.  Will the Genl please inform me what I shall do in this case.  
John C. Sample Capt &c

I have been informed since Mr. Hartley, Treasy Agent, return that the property is in the hands of Treasury Dept.  
John C. Sample, Capt &c

Hd Qrs. Mil Dist &c
Fort Monroe, Va, 21 July 1865

Respty retd Capt. J.C. Sample who will turn this property over to the rightful owner, providing him to be a loyal citizen.
By command Bvt Maj Genl. Miles
John S. McEwan, A.A.G.

Hd. Qrs. Mil. Dist. of Ft. Monroe
August 2d, 1865
Respty referred to Capt. A.S. Flagg, Supt R.F. &c as this property is now thought to be in charge of the Freedmens Bureau, by command of N. Church, AAAG 


Bureau &c, 3d Augt 1865
Respty ref'd to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr &c, with the information that the property in question was turned over by Mr. Hartley as belonging to Treasy Dept, and has been occupied by the comdg officer of the 4th Sub Dist of Va, and is now occupied by Mr. Hartley, Agt of Treasury.
A.S. Flagg, Capt &c

Hd. Qrs. Bureau &c  Richmond 5th Aug/65
Respty retd to Capt A.S. Flagg, A.Q.M., Supt &c.  If loyal creditors have obtained a judgement against this property, the officers of the Bureau will deliver it up to the person or person, authorized by a competent court to receive it.
By order &c
Recd 5th Augt. & forwd 7th Augt 1865.

[[left margin]]
E.T. Hardy, Atty 
Norfolk Va 
31st July 1865
Refer folio 131,
[[left margin]]

Application for personal effects of Prof N.B. Webster at Portsmouth VA
Enclosed. Office Asst Supt &c Norfolk Va, Augt 1st 1865
Respty refd to Capt A.S. Flagg &c, with the information that the personal property mentioned within is the same on the premises described in another application for return of real estate- the building is used for school purposes but is not in vacation
J.H. Keatly Lt &c

Bureau R &c Augt 5th 1865,
Respty ref'd to Col O. Brown &c - and attention invited to the endorsement of Lieut Keatley, a similar application by Prof Webster was forwarded to Col O. Brown on the 27th inst - A.S. Flagg, Capt &c

Hd. Qrs. Bureau &c Richmond 3d Augt/65
Respty returned to Capt A.S. Flagg A.Q.M Supt &c If this property was abandoned it should be retained by the Bureau, otherwise it should be given up to the owner. Abandoned property is thus defined in Act of Congress approved July 2d 1864 -  "Property real or personal, shall be regarded as abandoned, when the lawful owner

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