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Henry. E. Alvord
Capt &c
20 July 1865.

Ret'd endorsed

War Dept
Bureau &c,
Augt 4th 1865

[margin note]] Refer 2 Book 35. [[/margin note]]
Respty ret'd to Col O. Brown &c_ The within described property will be set apart for the use of this Bureau in an order to the approved by the President_ In the meantime you will please make requisition for the property upon the officer of the Government having charge of the same_
By order of Maj: Gen'l Howard &c
Wm Fowler, Capt. &c

H'd Q'rs Bureau &c, Augt 7th 1865,
Respty ref'd to Capt Armes, Supt &c
By order &c
ec'd and Ret'd 7 Augt 1865.

Lt J. H. Keatley
Norfolk, Va
Augt 2d 1865.

Suggests that the issue of Rations to soldiers families be discontinued_


Bureau R &c Augt 5th 1865.
Respty ref'd to Col: O. Brown Asst Com'r of Va
A. S. Flagg, Capt &c

H'd Q'rs Bureau &c
Richmond Va, 7th Augt 1865.
Respty ret'd_ This matter has been repeatedly brought to the notice of the War Dept and Bureau H'd Q'rs_ If Lt Keatley will make specific charges against any person, they will be promptly investigated_ In the mean time, I advise that no rations should be issued to soldier's families that are able to provide for themselves_ By order &c
Rec'd & ret'd 7th Augt 1865.

Lt Jno. H. Keatley
Norfolk, Va
5 Augt 1865.

Application of, for Leave of absence

Bureau R &c Augt 5th 1865
Respty forward to Col. O. Brown Asst Com'r of Va_ Approved_ A.S. Flagg Capt &c

H'd Q'rs &c  Richmond Va 7th Augt 1865.
Respty returned_ one application of Lt_ Keatley's 


was received at and forwarded from this Office on 5th inst  
By order &c
R'd and ret'd 7th Augt 1865,

E. Hartley
Spec: Agt: Treas. Dept
Accomac C.H, Va
July 29th 1865.

States that there are in his possession certain lands which he wishes to turn over to the Bureau of R.F & A.L. 

Bureau R.F & A.L, &c Augt 5th 1865. 
Respty forwarded to Col O. Brown Asst Com'r of Va, with the request that these lands be turned over to this Bureau to settle families of Freedmen upon in accordance with the act of Congress establishing the Bureau of R &c_ They will be especially useful in as much as the Townfield Farm is given up, to the former owner on which are now settled all the poor, and homeless of the freedmen, in the Counties of Accomac and Northhampton  A. S. Flagg, Capt &c 

H'd Q'rs Bureau &c 
Richmond Va, Augt 7th 1865,

Respty ret'd to Capt A. S. Flagg AQM &c_ Make a requisition on Mr Hartley for the lands_ Under the Act of Congress establishing the Bureau, these lands as properly come within at jurisdiction as others,  By order &c
Rec'd & ret'd 7 Augt 1865,

F. A. Schmelz
Richmond Va
July 28th/65

Application for restoration of certain lots of land in Hampton Va_

War Dept, Bureau &c, 3d Augt 1865.
[[margin note]] Refer 2. B. Folio 203 [[/margin note]]
Respty ref'd to Col. O. Brown, Asst Com'r &c_ Mr Schmelz has received the President's pardon, and from all accounts, is a loyal man, and entitled according to the opinion of he authorities here, to the control of his property_ Please have the case investigated and if entitled to restoration, cause the property to be given up without further orders from this Office
By order of Maj Genl Howard
Wm Fowler, Capt &c

Transcription Notes:
If original transcriber sees this: You may want to re-read the transcription instructions regarding formatting. Also - there is ample use of "&c" in these documents - it's understandable that it could be mistaken for "to" If you read through a few completed transcriptions it may help you decipher the writing better. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-08 14:15:30 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-08 17:16:53 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-08 20:42:55