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on Lands to be set apart for them, it would, in my opinion, be profitable to prevent, if possible the sale of all discontinued hospitals, barracks, &c, and have them reconstructed  for homes for the helpless and infirm -
Jas. J. Ferree Act Supt &c

Hd. Qrs. Asst Com'r &c 
Richmond Vaa, 8th Augt/65

Respty ret'd - There should be within your District enough Barracks - and buildings used for hospitals - to accomodate the Freedmen - These buildings will be turned over to the Bureau on application to the Military Commander of the Dist or Dept - By order &c

Rec'd and ret'd 8th Augt 1865.

Capt Stuart Barnes
Supt &c
Petersburg Va
Augt 7th 1865.

States that Mrs Patten desires to take 24 orphan children north, and asks instructions


Hd Qrs Asst. Com'r &c
Richmond Va, Augt 8th 1865.

Respty ret'd - Mrs Patten can take these children north - The officer in charge will keep a record of the names, ages & destruction of these children  By order &c

R'd and ret'd 8th Augt 1865.

Capt Stuart Barnes
Supt &c
Petersburg Va
8th Augt 1865

Monthly report of Refugees and Freedmen


Hd. Qrs. Asst Com'r &c
Richmond Va, Augt 8th 1865.

Respty ret'd to Capt Stuart Barnes Supt &c for correction - The number and value of rations distributed - and number of persons fed must be known - You report officers for each of your Sub-Districts - These officers must give these reports - You report clothing issued, but have made no report of clothing or property in your possession - This report must be forwarded immediately - By order &c

Rec'd and ret'd 8th Augt 1865.


Elizabeth E. Moody
Chesterfield Co
July 23d 1865.

Asks for the return of her property at City Point Va.


Bureau R.F &c
Petersburg Augt 3d 1865.

Respty ref'd to Capt Wm. Hedges Asst Supt City Point who will investigate the within claim & report  Stuart Barnes, Capt &c

Bureau of &c
City Point Va, Augt 6th 1865.

[[margin] note] Refer Folio, 130. [[/margin note]]
Respectfully returned to Capt Stuart Barnes Supt Dist of Nottoway with the following endorsement. I have investigated the case of Miss Elizabeth Moody and find she has a Brother Robt Moody, also a half sister by the name of Margaret Moody who are still living and I suppose they will fall heir to the same, otherwise the within statement is correct, the House aforesaid Barracks is rented for $5.00 month
W. Hedges, Capt &c

Bureau R &c
Petersburg Va, Aug 7th 1865.

Respty ref'd to Col O. Brown, Asst Com'r &c This lot claimed by Miss Moody has built on it a small building formerly the quarters of Gen'l Patrick U.S.A - It is now rented by this Bureau for $5 per month -
Stuart Barnes, Capt &c

H'd Q'rs Asst Com'r. &c
Richmond Va, Augt 8th 1865.

Respty ret'd to Capt Stuart Barnes, Supt &c for fuller report - Was this property abandoned? Give full account of its abandonment - of the political status of the owner &c - By order &c

Rec'd and ret'd 8th Augt 1865.

Capt Stuart Barnes
Supt &c
Petersburg, Va
23 July 1865.

Requests that an Asst Surg. be detailed for duty in his Bureau.


H'd Q'rs Dist of the Nottoway
Petersburg Va, 24 July 1865.

Respty ref'd to Surgeon Prince -
By command of Maj Gen'l Hartsuff
Geo. A. Hicks - A.A. Gen'l.

Transcription Notes:
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