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Claus Trede
City P't Va
Augt 7th 1865-

Applies for possession of a frame house and lot in City Point, Pr. George Co. Va, which is his property   
Endorsed. Augt 7th 1865
Respty forw'd to Capt S. Barnes &c with certificate of oath of allegiance
Wm. Hedges Capt &c

Bureau R. F &c
Petersburg Va Aug 10th 1865
Respty ret'd to Capt Hedges - In this, and in all subsequent claims for property which may be forwarded to you  before transmitting to this office, you will first thoroughly investigate the case, as to the circumstances connected with the abandonment of the property, the status of the claimant, the condition of, and how the property is used - 
These rules will be strictly observed to avoid the return of so many papers to your office for investigation   Stuart Barnes, Capt &c

Bureau R &c
City Point, Augt 12/65.
Respty ret'd to Capt Stuart Barnes &c - on 22d Sept 1864 the within applicant appeared at H'd Q'rs Army of the Potomac Br Mar Gen'l Dept and took the oath of allegiance to support the constitution of the United States - From that time this party moved to the north and there remained during the rebellion - The property is not used in any way - attention called to copy of protection paper from Gen'l Patrick, enclosed
Wm. Hedges Capt &c -

Bureau R &c 
Petersburg Va Aug't 14/65
Respty ref'd to Col O Brown, Asst Com'r &c with reference to enclosures & endorsement
Stuart Barnes, Capt &c

Bureau R &c 
Richmond Va, Augt 15th/65
Respty ret'd to Capt S Barnes &c - These endorsements 

contain no information on the question of "abandonment"
By order &c 
Rec'd and ret'd 15 Augt 1865

E.H. Tobey 
Capt & Asst Sup't 
Petersburg, Va 
10 Aug't 1865.

Applies for a Surgeon for the Freedmens Camp at Petersburg
Bureau R. F &c 
Petersburg Va, 10th Augt 1865.
Respty ref'd to Maj Geo A Hicks A A G'l Dist of the Nottoway with the request that an Assistant Surgeon be detailed for temporary duty in the Freedmens Hosptl in this City - If the detail cannot be made Maj Hicks will please return this paper with such an endorsement
Stuart Barnes Capt &c

H'd Q'rs Dist of the Nottoway 
Petersburg Va 10 Aug 1865
Respty ref'd to Surg Prince Chief Med: officer 
By command of Maj: Gen: Hartsuff
Geo. A. Hicks, A.A.G.

H'd Q'rs &c 
Petersburg Va 12 Augt 1865.
Respty ret'd   I am instructed by the medical Director of the Dept that this Bureau has a Chief Medical Officer and that all matters pertaining to it should be disposed of by him
Jas N [[P.]] Prince Surg &c Chf Med Off:

Petersburg Va 13th Augt/65
Respty ret'd to Capt Barnes
By order of Maj G'l Hartsuff 
Geo A Hicks A.A.G.

Bureau &c 
Petersburg 14 Augt/65
Respty ref'd to Col O Brown &c
Stuart Barnes Capt &c

Office Chf Med Dir Bureau &c 
Richmond Va 15 Augt 1865
Respty ret'd to Col O Brown &c - I have no Medical officer under my orders to assign to

Transcription Notes:
There was a "James B Prince" - who was listed as the Act. Asst. Surgeon US.A at the Post Hospital - June 1867 - Post of Petersburg, Va. * He is listed as "James P. Prince" on the Jany. 1867 Post Return for the Post of Petersburg, in the same position as stated above. Va - not VA. There are other letters by this person where his name is signed "James P Prince." I have a feeling the clerk copied this it wrong as Jas. N. Prince.