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Susan W. Campbell
Norfolk, Va
8 Augt 1865.

Application to be restored to ownership 
Norfolk Va, 14 Augt 1865
This appears from the admission of the applicant to be a clear case of abandonment and therefore I think the property should be retained
Jno H. Keatley, Lt &c

Augt 16th 1865
Respty refd to Col O Brown &c, I concur with Lt Keatley in the views expressed in his endorsement
A.S. Flagg, Capt &c

Richmond, Aug 19th 1865
Respty retd thro Capt A.S. Flagg &c - This property, having been abandoned cannot be restored - By order &c
Recd 19 Augt and retd 21 Augt 1865.
T. Hume Portsmouth 29 July 1865-

Application for the return of property
Norfolk Va, 14th Augt 1865.
Respty forwd disapproved - This appears to be a clear case of abandonment
Jno. H. Keatley Lt &c

Augt 16th 1865.
Respty refd to Col O. Brown &c and attention invited to endorsement of Lt Keatley &c
A.S. Flagg, Capt &c

Richmond Va 19 Augt 1865
Respty retd through Capt A.S. Flagg &c - The application of the petitioner is disapproved. By order &c
Recd 19 Augt & retd 21 Augt 1865. 

A. Akin [[?]], Va 28 July 1865 - 
Refer Folio 120, Refer 2.B.251.

Retd Endorsed 
Petersburg Va, Aug 12th 1865.
Referred to Mr Link Supt Saw Mill, who will report with reference to the endorsement of Col Brown, &c. Stuart Barnes, Capt &c

Mr Link states that from the best information he can gain - the property claimed by Mr Akin was 


abandoned and left in a wheat field from which place it was taken and brought to this mill by our forces -

Petersburg Va, 18 Aug 1865
Respty refd to Col O Brown &c. The investigation goes to show that the mill was being removed to prevent its falling into our hands; but that on the approach of our armies, it was abandoned, and left in the field from whence it was removed to its present position; that is what remained of the original mill (to wit) the Main Shaft is now all that belonged to Mr Akin, which of course cannot be dispensed with
Stuart Barnes, Capt &c

Richmond Va Aug 19th 1865.
Respty retd through Capt Stuart Barnes &c - The application of the petitioner is disapproved 
By order &c
Recd 19 Aug & retd 21 Augt 1865

Wm Bartlett Fort Monroe Augt 17th 1865.

States that a number of colored men at the Saw Mill in Warwick Co, have not been paid for seven months - asks is some way cannot be devised for paying them -
Richmond Aug 21st 1865
Respty refd to Capt C.B. Wilder who will please ascertain upon whose Rolls these men are borne and put these accts in train for payment -
Recd 21 Augt & refd 1 Augt 1865.

J.J. De Lamater Surg, U.S. Vols &c Richmond Va 17 Aug 1865 - 

Respty calling attention to the absolute necessity that a proper number of ambulances should be turned over to the Bureau to do duty under my orders - 
Richmond Va 21 Augt 1865
Respty refd to Lt H.S. Merrell, Supt &c - who will furnish the necessary ambulances for duty within his Dist - By order &c
Recd and retd 21 Aug 1865
Isabella Bass (Widow) Dinwiddie Co Augt 1865

Asks the priveledge of selling the cut wood on her land left by army and cut for military