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Respectfully referred to Capt Stuart Barnes A.Q.M & Supt &c, who will, if this statement is correct allow Mr Gill to remove the wood that he has cut down and corded_ And to cut other wood if he desired.  
By command of Col O. Brown A.C.
(Sgd) Charles. H. Coxe A.A.A.G.

Rcd & Refd 8/26/65

John Mann ag't
of Ro'. B. Bolling
Petersburg Va
Aug 23d 1865
Refer 2. B. 250.

Asking possession of property in now in possession of Agent of Freedmans Bureau.

Petersburg Va Aug 25th 1865
Respectfully referred to Col O. Brown Asst Com.
These four stores applied for by Mr Bolling are in the possession of this Bureau as follows: One found unoccupied and taken by us for C.S. Storehouse; one received from Treasury Agent and rented by us for $800. per annum. Two found empty and received from Mr Mann ag't. used by me as storeroom for Tobacco and other property of the Bureau. The property has always been rented by Mr Bolling, but had during the war been used by the so-called Confederate Gov't and since the occupation of the city by our Army has been used for Military purposes.
Very much of Mr Bolling's property is now in use by Military authorities who, as the necessity for such use ceases are returning to him he having obtained pardon.
From careful investigation as to the status of Mr Bolling it is found that he has in every way possible avoided participation in or giving aid either directly or indirectly to the rebellion, and is generally considered a sound Union Man. 
(Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt & AQM &c

Richmond Va Aug 26th 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Maj Genl Howard for instructions.
By command of Col. O. Brown A.C.
(Sgd) Charles, H. Coxe A.A.A.G.

Rcd Forwd 8/26/65


Jas E. Rhoades
3d Aug 1865
Refer 2. B. 134
Refer 2. B. 144
Refer 2. B. 300.

Returned Endorsed

Office Supt 1st Dist of Va
Aug 14, 1865
Respectfully referred to Capt E W Coffin C.S. & Asst Supt Ref &c Yorktown Va. for a thorough investigation and careful report as to the antecedents and present political status of these three men. The implied question in Col Brown's endorsement is a good basis for investigation.
(Sgd) A. S. Flagg Capt & AQM &c

Yorktown Va Aug 17th 1865
Respectfully returned to Capt A S Flagg Supt R.F.&.A.L. The lands referred to in this communication have been seized as "abandoned" property and I presume can be held.
The farm on which slabtown is situated (about half a mile from Yorktown) is owned by Doct Fred Power, who resided in Yorktown.
shortly after the occupation of the place, the rebel authorities seized his house for Military purposes and he was compelled to leave and removed to the vicinity of Richmond where he has since remained. I understand he has not taken an active part in the rebellion,_ Newtown or Acretown, about ten miles south of Yorktown is located on a farm belonging to Stafford G Cook_ sometime previous to the evacuation of Yorktown General Magruder sent teams in the middle of the night and forcible removed Mr Cook his family and a part of his furniture to Yorktown. He could obtain no house in that place and was compelled to move into Gloucester. Co. where he remained during the war, taking no part in it. He was removed by General Magruder because his farm was located between the lines of the two Armies_
Mr Cook states that his crops were seized and his buildings destroyed by our Army,
Both of these villages were settled by direction of Brig Genl Wistar and in many cases the colored people were forced to move

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