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A.M. Tabb & others
Ports Build'g Associa
Portsmouth Va
15 Aug 1865
Request for return of property
Norfolk Va, Aug 25th, 1865
Respectfully forwarded. This is a clear case of abandonment.
(Sg'd) Charles E. Johnston Asst Supt

[[left margin]] Refer 2.B.366. [[/left margin]]
Office Supt 1st Dist of Va
August 28th, 1865
Respectfully forwarded and attention invited to endorsement of Mr. Johnston Asst Supt Ref &c Norfolk.
(Sg'd) A.S. Flagg Capt & AQM &c

Richmond Va 2d Sept 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Maj Genl O.O. Howard for instructions.
(Sg'd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
Rec'd & Fow'd 2d Sept 1865

C.B. Wilder
Capt & AQM &c
Fort Monroe Va
31st August 1865
[[left margin]] Refer 2.B.308. [[/left margin]]
Inquires for information concerning abandoned personal property &c &c
Richmond Va 2d Sept 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Maj Genl O.O. Howard 
In many instances wood, lumber, and clothing have been received from the military authorities or taken possession by officers of the Bureau made such authority for the use of Freedmen. 
In cases where abandoned lands were taken under military order for the use of the Freedmen the personal property formed thereon was taken and as Capt Wilder states is very much scattered notwithstanding efforts made by officers to keep [[strikethrough]] them [[/strikethrough]] it together. 
My instructions to officers have been [[strikethrough]] when property has been restored to its former owner, to aid [[/strikethrough]] to aid all persons that have had their property restored in finding their personal property and to restore [[strikethrough]] it, as far as it [[/strikethrough]] all that could be found. 
I would respectfully ask whether the order herein enclosed is meant to cover such articles as wood clothing lumber farming tools &c.
(Sg'd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
Rc'd Sept 2d 1865 & Forwarded


J.W.M. Hopkins M.D.
Norfolk Va
28th Aug 1865
[[left margin]] Refer 2.B.292. [[/left margin]]
Asks that his property at Deep Creek, Known as the Hopkins (Gov't) Farm be restored to him. 
Respectfully forwarded to Capt A.S. Flagg A.Q.M. Supt Freedmen with the report. 
Dr. Hopkins claims that as Capt in 95th Va Militia (and subject to the order of the Governor of the state) he was called from his home. Afterwards and under superior orders the 95th Va Militia was consolidated with and became part of the 61st Va C.S. troops. 
Dr Hopkins resigned his commission in Nov 1862 which resignation was accepted Jan 2d 1863. Subsequently he acted as Vol Surgeon and performed such duties as were allotted to him. 
Dr. Hopkins has received the full measure of the Amnesty Proclamation of the President of the U.S. and claims possession of his property by virtue of such permission.
(Sg'd) Thos P. Jackson Asst Supt

Office Supt 1st Dist of Va
August 31, 1865
Respectfully referred to Col Orlando Brown Asst Comr of Va. This seems a case of abandonment.
(Sg'd) A.S. Flagg Capt & A.Q.M. &c

Richmond Va Sept 2d 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Maj Genl O.O. Howard for instructions.
(Sg'd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
Rc'd & Fow'd Sept 2d 1865

John L. Hunley
Portsmouth Va
Aug 1865
[[left margin]] Refer 2.B.292. [[/left margin]]
Petition for his property.
Norfolk Va, Aug 30th 1865
Respectfully forwarded. This property was clearly abandoned.
(Sg'd) Charles E. Johnston Asst Supt

Office Supt 1st Dist of Va
August 31st, 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Col O. Brown A.C. of Va and attention invited to endorsement


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-08 12:03:12