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State of Va. (Sg'd) I  Stuart Barnes Capt & AQM &C

Richmond Va Sept 7 1865
Respectfully returned. This application will be made in conformity to G.O. No. 14 of date Sept 6 1865 from these Hd Qrs
By command of Col. O. Brown
(Sg'd) C.H. Coxe A.A.A.G.
Rc'd & Ret'd Sept 7 1865

W.L. James
Chf Q.M. Dept Va
Richmond Va
Sept 4 1865

Enclosing a letter to Gnrl Perry from Lizzie Paje applying for transportation to the North. 
Richmond Va Sept 7 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Maj Gnrl O.O. Howard Commissioner.

[[left margin]] Refer 2.B. 313 [[/left margin]]
(Sg'd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
Rc'd & Fow'd Sept 7/65

Marcia Cotton
Norfolk Va
22 Aug 1865

Returned Endorsed
Office Supt Dist Nor of Va
August 28 1865

[[left margin]] Refer 2.B. 213. Refer 2.B. 399. [[/left margin]]
Respectfully referred to C.E. Johnston who will in this case and in all cases of a similar nature supply the absolute wants of cold people keeping an acct of the issue.
(Sg'd) A.S. Flagg Capt & A.Q.M &c

Norfolk August 20 1865
Respectfully returned. The facts in this case seems to be as stated. Rations for colored people have been cut down until scarcely enough remains to live on. The sick receive nothing different from the rest and the ration being of the crassest kind of food. They must suffer very much. I would suggest that these people should be allowed "Hospital Rations" and if such could be given then they would have no cause for complaint. 
Mr Ingalls delivered to Miss Cotton the key of the room in which clothing is stored and I have placed at her disposal as many shelter tents as she may need. 
If the Hospital ration cannot be issued, I would suggest that a sum not less than fifty cents per month be allowed the Matron


for each and every infirm and sick person under her charge. This fund could be obtained from rents received from the buildings of the Rope Walk. No one who is able to pay rent is allowed to live there without so doing.
(Sg'd) Charles E. Johnstron Asst  Supt.

Office Supt 1st Dist of Va
Sept 1st 1865

Respectfully returned to Col. O.Brown and attention invited to endorsement of Mr Johnston.
(Sg'd) A.S. Flagg Capr & A.Q.M & c

Richmond Va Sept 7 1865
Respectfully returned to Capt Flagg. 
Mr. Johnston asserts that the facts are as stated in the letter. If this is true your will at once report who has issued to the Freedmen "wormy hard lack and no other bread or meal and and wormy meal." 
Your immediate attention is required to this subject. Mr Johnston further states that the rations have been cut down until scarcely enough remains to live on. 
By whose order is this done & while the able bodied men should provide for themselves and those that can work be made to use their labor for their support. 
The full indigent ration should be issued to those that are wholly dependent. 
If this is done the statement made by Mr. Johnston must be incorrect.
By command of Col. O. Brown
(Sg'd) C.H. Coxe A.A.A.G 
Rc'd & Ref'd Sept 7 1865

J.S. Stackpole
Boston Mass
26 Aug 1865

Requests information in procuring him a colored female cook from Norfolk Va.
Richmond Va Sept 7 1865

Respectfully referred to Lt H.S. Merrell. Who will please find such a person if possible and communicate with Major Stackpole.
By command of Col. O. Brown
(Sg'd) C.H. Coxe A.A.A.G
Rc'd & Ref'd Sept 7 1865