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464    465

R.S. Lacy
Capt & AQM &c
Lynchburg Va
Oct 5th 1865

States that. "the Asst Supt at Campbell C.H. remitted me twenty dollars. Am't of fines assessed for abuse
of Negroes, by Capt Wht Asst Pro Mar. asks to whom does it belong Bureau or Military
Recd Oct 7th 1865
Richmond Oct 7th 1865
This money will be receipted for as Bureau Funds and so accounted for on the papers.
By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) H.B. Scott Ins Gen'l
Retd Oct 7th 1865

W.S. How
Capt AQM &c
Staunton Va
Oct 5th 1865

Requests that the clothing for sale to Freedman be forwarded as followers.
100 one hundred emits to Staunton Va
150 one hundred & fifty suits to Winchester Va
and a proportionate quantity of under clothing if there is any.
Recd Oct 7th 1865   Endorsed
Richmond Oct 7 1865
A man will be sent to receive this clothing transportation is enclosed.
By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) H.B.Scott Ins Gen'l
Ref Oct 7th 1865 

Norfolk Va
Sept 30 1865

application for restoration of property
recd Oct 7th 1865
Norfolk Va Oct 3d 1865
Respectfully forwarded. The estate of Caleb White was confiscated and ordered to be sold. Owing to orders received from Washington the order of the court has not been carried into effect. In July an order was issued
by Gen'l Howard and approved by the President turning over the house to this Bureau and I received instructions from the Supt of the District to seize all property turned over in said order without delay. I leased the property and gave notice to this tenant to leave but upon the representation of Mr. Newton. I consented to stay in proceedings until I could receive further instructions from the Asst Com'r.
The property was clearly confiscated and that decree has not been reversed I respectfully submit the case for instructions
(Sgd) Charles E. Johnston Asst Supt

Office Supt 1st Dist of Va
Oct 4th 1865
Respectfully forwarded although this property was transferred to the Bureau by the Treasy Agent. I do not see how it can be restored to Mr. Newton, till such time as the decree of the court confiscating it as the property of Mr White is rescinded 
(Sgd) A.S. Flagg Capt & AQM &c

Richmond Oct 7 1865
respectfully returned. The decree of the court must be rescinded before the Bureau can retore this property - This application may there be forwarded accompanied by the necessary vouchers. By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) H.B. Scott Ins Gen'l
Retd Oct 7 1865 

A.S. Flagg 
Capt & AQM &c
Norfolk Va
Oct 2 1865

Requests that the application of Mr. Graves for his property may be sent to his office. that he will return them after an examination of them.
Richmond Oct 7 1865
Respectfully returned. These papers are now a part of the records of this office and cannot be spared unless indispensably necessary - For what are they required.
By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) H.B.Scott Ins Genl
Rcd. & Retd Oct 7 1865

J.J. DeLamater
Chf Med off &c
Richmond Va
Oct 6th 1865

Recd Oct 7th 1865
States that "the medical Director Dept of Va has ordered all contracts of medical officers assigned to duty in the Bureau to be sent in immediately for annulmentt This order will deprive us of several officers" non of whom can be spared without much.