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466    467

injury to the service." - "that if we desire to retain these offices; it is highly important if possible to telegraph them that we will contract with them" &c &c.
Richmond, Va Oct 7. 1865
Respectfully returned. Retain such officers as are absolutely necessary. The number not to exceed the number fixed upon.
By order of Col Brown
(Sgd) James A. Bates a.a.a.g.
Returned Oct 7th 1865.

H.B. Scott
Lieut Col & Ins Gen'l
Richmond Va
Sept 25 1865

Recd Oct 1st 1865.
States that, Mr Young reports that Mr Hunt has cut carried away between 2000 & 3000 cords of wood from lands of young & others in the vicinity, which was not included in the contract of said Hunt with the Bureau, directs Capt Wilder to investigate the case, and cause Mr Hunt to pay for said wood to the Bureau. after paying for cutting of the same.
Fort Monroe Va Sept 28" 1865
Respectfully returned to Col O. Brown Asst Com'r State of Va with the following report - Mr Hunt cut 2636 cords of wood in Warwick Co and Elizabeth City Co, 1032 cords were cut from the "Young Propety" 600 cords of which were turned over to the Dept Negro affairs. and by them to the Q.M. Dept.
The payment for this wood was made to the Dept Negro affairs by the said Hunt. It was cut under an agreement made with Maj Gen'l B.F. Butler Jany 30th 1864.   (Sgd) C.B.Wilder Capt AQM &c

W.F. Wickham 
Hanover C.H. Va
Sept 9" 1865.
Refer 2.B.311.

Recd Back Sept - 1865.  Endorsed
Washington D.C. Sept 19 1865
Respectfully returned. No general rule can be given in such cases. Counties should take care of their helpless poor. and they should be put to work on Government farms where possible, Col Brown will endeavor to work "out such" individual cases as may come to his notice. 
By order of Maj Gen'l Howard Com'r  (Sgd) Max Woodhull A.A.G.

Charles King
Atty for Neale
Washington D.C. Sept 23d 1865
See page 441

Recd Sept 29" 1865.
Washington Sept 23d 1865
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown Asst Com'r Richmond Va. with instructions to observe the request of Mr King, if practicable.
By order of Maj Genl O.O. Howard   (Sgd) Wm Fowler A.A.G.

H.B. Constable
Norfolk Va
Sept 7 1865
Refer 2.B.385.

Recd Back Oct 1st 1865
Norfolk Va Sept 25 1865
Respectfully returned to Mr Johnston for additional papers as per endorsement of Col Brown.
(Sgd) A.S. Flagg Capt & A.Q.M.

Norfolk Va Sept 28 1865
Respectfully returned with papers required by Col O. Brown Asst Com'r Richmond Va.  (Sgd) Charles E Johnston Asst Supt

Office Supt 1st Dist of Va Sept 29 1865
Respectfully returned to Col O. Brown A.C. of Va with proof required.
Sgd A S Flagg Capt & A.Q.M. Supt &c
Property Restored by S.O. No61 Par I dated Hd Qrs asst Com'r State of Va. Richmond Va. Sept 21st 1865.

Wm M. Wilson
Thos M Wilson
Norfolk Va
Sept 13 1865
Refer 2.B.377.

Rcd Back Oct 1st 1865
Norfolk Va Sept 25 1865
Respectfully referred to Mr Johnston with attention called to the endorsement of Col Brown.   (Sgd) A.S. Flagg Capt & A.Q.M. &c

Norfolk Va Sept 28 1865
Respectfully returned with the papers called for