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474    475

(Sgd) Charles.E. Johnston Asst Supt

Norfolk Va Sept 27th 1865.
Respectfully returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Com'r &c. with proper papers enclosed as called for in previous endorsement.
(Sgd) A. S. Flagg Capt & A.Q.M. &c

Property Restored by S.O. No. 67. Par. V. dated Head Qrs Ass't Com'r State of Va Richmond Va Oct 2d 1865.

James Murdaugh
Portsmouth Va
Sept 14th 1865,

Recd Sept 30 1865.
Applies for restoration of property situated in city of Portsmouth Va,

Norfolk Va Sept 25th 1865.
Respectfully forwarded. The applicant has received a Special Pardon from the President, which I have seen. The property is rented to the applicant at twenty dollars per month.
(Sgd) Charles, E. Johnston Asst Supt

Norfolk Va Sept 27th 1865.
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown Asst Com'r &c, Richmond Va.
(Sgd) A. S. Flagg Capt & A.Q.M. &c

Property restored by S.O. No. 67. Par VI. dated Head Qrs Ass't Com'r State of Va. Richmond Va, Oct 2d 1865,

Mins. W. Fisher
Northampton Co Va

Recd Oct 2d 1865,
Applies for restoration of property
(Encloses all necessay papers)

Property Restored by S.O. No. 67. Par VII dated Hd Qrs Asst Com'r State of Va. Richmond Va, Oct 2d 1865,

Richard Epps
Petersburg Va

Recd Oct 3d 1865.

Having received a Special Pardon From the President. Gen'l Howard orders that his property be restored to him.

Property restored by S.O. No. 68. Par. IV. dated Head Qr Asst Com'r State of Va, Richmond Va. Oct 3d 1865.

William Allen
Richmond Va
Sept 30th 1865

Recd Oct 2d 1865.

States that he has received a full Amnesty & Pardon, from the President, and applies for possession of his farm near Williamsburg Va, known as "Orings Mill" farm,

Property Restored by S.O. No. 68. Par. V. dated Head Qrs Asst Comr's State of Va, Richmond Va, Oct. 3d 1865,

James. G. Pollard
Norfolk Va
Sept 22d 1865.

Recd Sept 3th 1865.

applies for restoration of property situated in Norfolk Co. Va.

Norfolk Va Sept 27th 1865,
Respectfully forwarded and attention called to enclosed papes. which are, 1st Proof of title - 2nd Amnesty oath - 3rd certificate that property has not been libelled - 4th that the applicant does not come within any of the exceptions in Presidents Proclamation. The property is rented but no rent has yet been paid.
(Sgd) Charles, E, Johnston Asst Supt

Norfolk Va Sept 27th 1865,
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown Asst Com'r State of Va. Bureau R.F. &. A.L. Richmond
(Sgd) A. S. Flagg Capt & A.Q.M. &c

Property Restored by S.O. No. 68. Par. I. dated Head Qrs Asst Comr's State of Va. Richmond Va Oct 3d 1865.

Edmund Bradford and
Annie. E. Bradford
Norfolk Va
Refer 2. B. 395.

Recd Back Oct 2d 1865.

Office Supt 1st Dist of Va
Sept 28th 1865.
Respectfully returned to Mr Johnston for proof that the property has not bee confiscated and sold.  (Sgd) A. S. Flagg, Capt & A.Q.M. &c

Norfolk Va Sept 28th 1865.
Respectfully returned with evidence asked for, enclosed
(Sgd) Charles, E, Johnston Asst Supt &c

Transcription Notes:
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