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support the people even to the end of the year; in many cases, it, will take nearly their entire crop, to pay the rent due, and, upon, what the "Freedmen" of York Co. are to live, I cannot state. Aside from oystering, the facilities offered to them for obtaining a livelihood, during this coming winter, will be very poor, as, for, the infirm and helpless they will suffer greatly. Many of them since the destitute ration has been cut off, have sought assistance, at the "Freedmens Hospital", but they manifest, the greatest abhorrence of entering there: They will not, unless in the greatest destitution, entertain the idea, for a moment, and, even then persuasion of a strong nature, is sometimes necessary. No assistance, outside of the Hospital has been rendered this class thus far, but, as soon as cold weather sets in, material aid, must be rendered them to prevent actual starvation. As, set forth in communications forwarded some weeks since, the "Civil Authorities" have expressed their utter

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-07 16:12:08 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-08 09:11:29