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Office Asst Supt B R F and A L
Halifax C H Halifax County V'a
Nov 26th 1866

Maj Gen'l J M Schofield
Asst Com'r State of Virginia


in Compliance with Circular. No. 6 Hd Qrs Asst Com'r State of Virginia I have the honor to report the condition of Freedmens Affairs as favourable with few exceptions

The crops have been gathered and housed, and have proven to be better than was anticipated.  In most cases the Freedmen are well Satisfied with the result of their years labor.  Many of them who were working for a part of the crop having made excellent wages.  There are however a large number of them who have been thus working. and supporting large families in idleness and receiving advances from their employers of Provisions &c for the support of those families who now find that they have consumed all they have made and have nothing coming to them, and in some instances they are in debt.  I think it will be a salutary lesson to them in the future.  And they are now more ready to receive the advice that has been given them from time to time during the past season.  And will hereafter have all the members of their families that are able to do so do something towards their support.  Many of them think that now they are free, the Female members of their families must do no work.  And although every effort has been used to disabuse them of their error, but little has been accomplished but the lesson they have now learned will in my opinion have a beneficial effect in that respect.

In the division of the crop, there is displayed

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-08 11:03:39