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Report on the condition of Bureau Affairs in Dinwiddie Co. Va, made by Lieut J.B. Clinton, Asst. Supt. Bureau R.F.& A.L. for the month ending Nov. 30th 1866.

I have the honor to report that as a general thing, the Freedmen in this county, as the year is drawing to its close, has fair prospect for an honest & a comfortable livelihood, that the two races appear to be as kindly disposed to each other as can possible be expected, that the prejudices on the one hand and the ignorance and erroneous ideas on the other are continually becoming less and the enlightenment on the new relation that the two races sustain toward each other, is slowly but surely and steadily advancing. The Freedmen in this county, most of them are employed for a share of the crops, and during this month there has been several divisions made out of which attention has been called. I waited upon the parties called in some of their neighbors and from a settlement by arbitration which in both cases was agreed to, I then drew up articles of agreement which the parties signed to that effect and the settlement were amicably made to the perfect satisfaction of all parties, and in my opinion, much more to their profit, than if they had resorted to a course of law.

Nothing further to report.

Very Respectfully
J.B. Clinton
Lieut & Asst. Supt. Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Dinwiddie Co. Va. 

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