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is very remarkably than since the 17th of August, when I came here, not one colored person has been apprehended on any such charge; and I am inclined to believe that the law Whites are as much concerned in these alleged depredations as are the colored people; but the latter naturally come in for the whole blame.

In addition to other complaints of minor difficulties, there were no less than eight during the month, on account of striking or beating.

On the first of the month "Burwell Johnson" freedman complained that he had on the night before been assaulted by "Cabell Turnbull" and "James" and "Beverly Carper" (the latter brothers) being held by the two first named, while the second - who is Deputy Clerk of the County Court - struck him once with his fist, and the third beat him with a stick. He had been working for the mother of the Carpers & had the previous day lost an ax, which he offered to replace. James Carper however threatened to whip him, which he told him he could not do. Carper then collared the freedman & drew a pocket knife on him but subsequently let him go, & he left the place. That night, James Carper meeting the Freedmen asked him, if he had said that he Johnson, had choked him, Carper, till he was black in the face. The Freedman said "No", he had not. Beverly Carper then coming up told him to say "No Sir" and because he did not he was treated as alleged; the party last named also threatening to draw a bowie knife on him, and that if he caught him out the next day he would kill him he also told him he could now go to the "Yankee" if he wished; he did not "care anything for them"

This case I referred to Mr "Thos. H Bernard"

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-08 17:28:03