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Bureau R F and A L
Hd Qrs Sub Dist York and James City Cos. Va
Yorktown Va December 1st 1866.


Pursuant to Cir. No 6 dated Hd Qrs Asst Comr State of Va. Jany 29th 1866. I have the honor to submit the following report of the condition of Bureau affairs in this Sub-District during the month of November.
No material change has occured since last report; the usual routine of duties have been performed, and the worth and necessity of the Bureau Court now in operation in York Co. has been now fully realized on account of discovery and speedy arrest of the murderers of Mr John Wootten a white citizen of this county; a report of which was forwarded some time since. Within ten days from the perpetration of this foul deed by a gang of "black men", six out of nine of them were arrested; conclusive evidence