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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & A.L. 
Office Asst. Supt. Warren and Page Co's
Front Royal, Va. Dec. 1st 1866. 

Bvt. Brig. Gen. O. Brown 
Richmond, Va
I have the honor to submit the following condition of Bureau Affairs for this Sub. District for the month of November 1866. 
Since last report there have been no cases of oppression or injustice against the Freedmen, nor any complaints against the Freedmen reported at this office - 
The Freedmen are all as busy as they can be getting in the corn crop &c - There is every prospect of divisions being made according to contract, and no disposition to trample upon them as laborers, rather an anxiety for the divisions to be made (on the part of the employees) to show good faith in carrying out their promises - 

Transcription Notes:
Not sure of word before "crop"--it looks like it could be "Corn", "born", or other. Edited. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-10 11:43:27 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-10 15:25:19