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L&E 134 
Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Office Ast. supt. Sub Dist No 10 of Dist of Va.
Comprising Augusta and Highland Co
Staunton Va Dec 31st 1866
Captain R.S. Lacey
Supt 7th dist. Va
Lynchburg Va
I have the honor to submit the following Report of "Bureau Affairs" in this Sub-Dist for the month ending Dec. 31st 1866.
But few complaints of violence on the part of whites have been made by Freedmen, and those made are of a trivial nature. Complaints in regard to pay have been quite frequent and I have assisted them all in my power by making out their accounts and instructing them how to proceed. I have talked with several magistrates about such accounts and tried to convince them that the interests of the county secure them to see that accounts for services should be settled, else the county will have the Freedpeople to care for as paupers.
It will, I fear, be difficult to make the Poor Commissioners attend to the destitute Freedpeople. There are many cases of whites, and it is hard for them not to make a marked distinction in favor of the whites. I have at present several cases of destitute Freedpeople in view of which