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Recd Hd Qrs Supt 7 Dist D P Feb 5 1867
Rockbridge Allegheny and Bath Cos
Bureau RF&A Lands
Hd Qrs Lexington Jan 31st 1867
Sharp, J.W.
Capt VRC & Asst Supt
Reports condition of Freedmens affairs for January 1867
No change in state of feeling between the whites and freedmen  the latter object making contracts by the year and whites are securing white labor and many curtailing their crops feeling they cannot depend of freedmen thro harvest
But for criminal cases has no reason to complain of injustice by civil courts that freedmen stand as good chance for justice there as elsewhere under similar circumstances
"Quiet reigns in Warsaw" and is undisturbed except an occasional cry of "Yankee" of "Bureaus" by juveniles
"Recommends the establishing of a school at Warm Springs Bath Co for freedmen and a teacher be sent to Lexington to teach sewing & household duties to freed girls"

Bureau RF and A Lands
Hd Qrs Seventh Dist Dept of P
Lynchburg, Va Feb 10 1867
Respectfully forwarded to Colonel OB Wilcox 29th Inft USA Commdg Dist Lynchburg
RS Lacey
Capt and Supt

Hd Qrs District of Lynchburg Va
Bureau RF&A Lands DP
Lynchburg Va February 11th 1867
C  7  1867
Respectfully forwarded to Bvt Brig Genl O Brown AAA Genl
Attention invited to request of Capt Sharp for person to instruct in sewing and cooking and for the establishing of a freedmen school at Warm Springs Bath Co Both suggestions heartily approved and desire expressed that the matter be referred to the proper benevolent societies for their action if the Bureau cannot act
OB Willcox
Colonel 29th Inft USA Comdg Dist Lynchburg