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save that will enable them to grow rich.

The necessity of industry and education is being deeper and deeper impressed upon their minds and they are exercising a good degree of patience, prudence and judgment in the right way and in the right direction, tending to build up their people, and are anxious to assist in modifying the State constitution and securing the protection of all their rights. It is also pleasing to see that the old habits of the people among whom they live, and for whom they labor, are being given up, and they are now, comparatively little troubled and annoyed by the insults and outrages that were wont to be heaped upon them. The cases of difficulty between the the two races to which my attention has been called during the month, have been slight and arose principally form ignorance and misunderstanding, and by patient and plain explanation have been quietly and amicably settled. Schools are all well attended and conducted, and children, with many adults are becoming educated thereat in a manner, the rapidity of which is astonishing and a knock-down argument to the old masters cherished and harpped notion, that the mind of the Negro was not susceptible of receiving an education

Very Respty Your obt. Servt.
J.B. Clinton Lt. & A. Sub-Asst Comr. R.F. & AL.
Amelia & Powhatan Cos. Va.
Amelia S Powhotan Cos. Va. 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-13 15:44:06