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Office Asst. Sub. Asst. B of R &c
Division of Patrick and Henry Cos. Va. Martinsville Va. April 30th 1867

Bvt. Brig. Genl O. Brown
Asst Commissioner B of R &c
Richmond Va

I have the honor to report that the state of feeling, existing between the White People and Freedmen of Patrick and Henry Cos. to be very good, with a tendency for the better. There seems [[yet?]] to be a feeling of confidence, growing between the two classes, which has not been seen since the surrender: and as an illustration, I may state that I do not know of a single idle Freedman in my [[strikethrough]] my [[/strikethrough]] Division.
I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Oby Servt
Wm Fernald
Lieut V.R.C. & A.S.A.C.

R.S. Lacey
Agent B of R. F. & A.L. 7th Dist
Lynchburg Va.