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The colored people of Danville during the past month raised as a public meeting some six hundred dollars ($600) towards the purchase of a lot of ground on which they intend to erect a school house. It is believed that they will be able to increase the amt to one thousand dollars in cash during the present month.

Two cases of shooting among the whites have occurred during the past month which fortunately have not resulted seriously.

Men carry fire arms on their person with impunity almost every man you meet is armed with a revolver. I think this should be attended to at once. Many of them evidently being such poor marksmen that they are as apt to shoot a friend as an enemy.

"Yankee law" was denounced in the Pittsylvania Court during the past month as the only place in the world where all kinds of mean duplicity was fostered a lawyer named Gillmore made the speech and denounced in open court a man who had crossed the lines and gone north during the war.

Are these things to be tolerated?

I am Captain
Your obdt Servant
G Blard
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