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brought about the change in their favor.

In and around the villages and railroad stations, the Freedmen are becoming very well informed on the political questions and issues of the day, and where they are posted on such matters I have no doubt of the result of their exercise of the right of franchise. But in the back Counties off the Railroads and lines of travel, they are woefully ignorant of their right of suffrage, and unless some measures are adopted to inform them, I have reason to believe that their votes will be controlled entirely by the White Citizens, who even now openly boast that they can do it. Cir No 9, Hd Qrs Asst Com'r, if properly carried into effect by the Officers, will no doubt remedy this to some extent.

The majority of the Freedmen have but little confidence in the White Citizens and the latter class complain of this more now, than they did six months ago, it is apparent that they are disposed to be conciliatory to the former, And it is my desire to see the two classes harmonize, believing it essential to the welfare of both.