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B.R.F &A L Office Asst S A Commr
Counties Rockingham & Shenandoah
Woodstock Va May 31 1867

Genl. O Brown
A Comr

I have the honor to report that any change for the better in the affairs of the Freedmen, during the month of May, has not been perceptible, there being still the same disinclination to pay them for work, or encourage them in their endeavors to gain an education-

I have also to report that during the past month, some of the inhabitants of this town attempted to blow up the flag staff at this post, and after that on the 5th of June prox. there will be a celebration in honor /?/ of the late Rebel Genl. Jackson, last year at said celebration, the young ladies wore Rebel badges on their dresses &c, which, owing to the absence of troops, I could not present; I understand it is their intention to do the same this year.

Though great care has been exercised, yet by reason of the inclement weather, and late season, the number of