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L B "A" 131

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office, 1st. Div., 1st Sub-District, Va.
Norfolk, Va. June 30th 1867.

Bvt Brig Genl O. Brown
Asst Com

In compliance with Circular No. 6 Series 1866 I have the honor to report that the Conditions of Bureau Affairs in this division is about the same as at last report. A scarcity of work still exists and although gentlemen from northern North Carolina have been to this City to engage hands at remunerative wages to work in that State, the Colored people out of employment decline to go there prefering to remain in and about this City and live on odd jobs to leave the City for constant employment  

3057 Rations have been issued during the month to the old and helpless. No rations have been issued to persons able to provide for themselves nor to those who have relations able to assist them. The Schools have been well attended during the month. The consolidated report shows 28 Day and 2 Night Schools in this Division  The whole number of Scholars in attendance