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Sunday School, numbering some 46 Scholars, was organized at "Gogginsville," six miles from this place; and one week later another was started here, numbering a hundred or more scholars. On the first instance an application made to me for books was forwarded, with the request that, if possible, they may be furnished; and in the second instance, I have been informed that a similar application will be made. Of course I have done all in my power to bring about this happy result; and now that the work has been entered on, I will strive to the utmost of my ability -especially if the Books can be obtained- to merge it into a day school also.

It is true, it might be surmised that this late action on the part of the white people, may after all, have been partly, if not wholly dictated, by purely selfish motives. It may have been judged best to endeavor, just now, by impressing them with the idea that they are really their only "best friends", who are disposed to thus disinterestedly exert themselves for their welfare, to conciliate them, and gain their favor; with this end in view, well knowing that it would be for best for them to take the initiative, here, since these measures, if not by them instituted, would, now, before long be certain to be carried out by others than themselves; which would have the effect to still further alienate from them the feelings of their late dependants. Let us hope, however, that this is not the case; still, be it as it may, it would be but poor policy not to take advantage of or turn to account any