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Bureau of R.F. & A. L. Hd. Qurs. Asst. Sub Asst. Commissioner
3rd Division, 8th Sub District, State of Va., Christiansburg Montgomery County Va.
June 25, 1867

Capt.  Garrick Mallery

Captain- I have the honor to make the following report relative to the affairs of the Bureau, in this Division, comprising the counties of Montgomery, Pulaski and Giles; during the past month.

In visiting over the several counties, I have found the Freedmen busily employed in the cultivation of the crop, and making extra efforts to secure a large ingathering at harvest. The prospect throughout the Counties is very encouraging, and promises to pay largely to those who have an interest or share in the crop - others who receive monthly wages, are working faithfully for their Employers, and are fairly compensated for their services.  No idlers are to be seen, even in the larger towns, but a spirit of earnest effort prevails among all classes. As far as I can learn, cases of intemperance or drunkenness are rare occurrances - and during the past month, not a single instance has come to my notice of Freedman appearing on the streets intoxicated.  Very generally throughout this Division, the Freedmen are sober, industrious, and peaceable citizens.  In regard to their political privelages, every effort has been made to circulate among them, necessary information; and I feel fully persuaded that most if not all the males over twenty one years of age, will be found enrolled, upon the lists prepared by the Boards of Registration.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-15 15:38:54 Removed bracketing that was used to indicate misspelled words where intended words were apparent-trying to minimze bracketing as much as possible as per TC's goals of improving readability. There are frequent misspellings or anachronistic spellings in these docs, many of which are nevertheless understandable.