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the Whites made any effort to delete the colored people from registering. The result is as follows- Whites registered as Voters, 1997; Colored - 1055; Total 3052. Excess for the Whites- 942. But 3 Colored persons were rejected - one for being a non resident of the State, and two from being minors.
It is estimated that at least 380 Whites who were qualified have failed, from some cause or other, to register. On the other hand the Colored Voters registered have exceeded by 55- the estimated number in the County. It is possible that there may be still a few of the latter, who were prevented by being sick or absent from registering. These, however, will be sure to all come forward at the second session of the Board; but the Whites, similary situated, will at that time swell their total number to over double that of the colored. The indications are, however that as a large class of the whites - the poorer classes especially - will act with the colored, they will still have a majority in their favor.

I am happy to be able to announce that the two Colored Sabbath Schools which I made mention of in my Report of the 3rd June, as having been organized at Gogginsville and this place, are progressing very satisfactorily. The first now numbers over fifth, and the second over one hundred Schollars of all ages. The interest excited on the part of the Colored people in particular in regard to these Schools, is very great.

It is a common thing to see even grown Women