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families of Children, who are assisted and provided for by their friends- with the exception that they occasionally need articles of clothing. Those furnished them last winter, by the Bureau were thankfully received, and proved a great comfort to them. Very many of the Freedmen have connected themselves with the Union League, or National Republican party, which at first led us to apprehend serious consequences or differences between them and their employers; but by a wise and judicious course pursued by them in the exercise of their rights, and with the protection afforded them by the Military Authorities, no serious difficulties have arisen- except in the case of Mr W.R. Preston, referred to in my report of the administration of civil justice. With the press of other duties, we have been unable to take any action as yet in the temperance movement, further than to recommend it to the leading colored men of the several Counties- a large portion of our time have been occupied in attending to registration duties.

I am Captain Very Respectfully
Your Ob't Serv't, C.S. Schaeffer
Bv't Capt. & Asst. Sub Asst. Com'r.