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brought into action more directly through the Office of the Military Commissioner.

I have been exceedingly careful in drawing my deductions in regard to this question of justice because I know that representations have been made that negroes cannot obtain it here - that they are insulted, shot down and maltreated without mercy and without remedy - and that there is no evil to which they are not exposed.  Such representations originate partly in confounding past events with the present, and partly in taking a prejudiced and one sided view of matters.  This mode of judging on false premises exists here with another class of persons who openly declare that I, as military Commissioner, govern the courts entirely for the benefit of the Blacks - without any regard to justice being done the Whites or, rather, with the desire to do them injustice

Responsible to you and to the Government for a true Report I endeavor to keep my mind free from prejudice or partiality, and to calmly survey the storm of passion that is raging tumultuously around me. 

Allow me - at the expense of being prosy [[strikethrough]] but existing [[/strikethrough]] but with the desire [[strikethrough]] of being understood [[/strikethrough]] of being clearly understood - to say that there are many cases of the existence of a warm affection between White and colored persons.  This remark especially applies to the families of old slave owners and their former servants.

Nor are there open manifestations of a hostile or