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an Official character, I have always taken Sunday for that purpose.

In relation to the schools and chances for educating the Freedmen, I cannot report anything very favorable, excepting that there is as strong a disposition as ever manifested by them, to learn, and as it is, many of them have learned to read quite well.

In relation to the organization of the Temperance Societies among them, nothing of a definite character has been done, although I have sought to allay the use of liquor as much as is within my power, still I have not done much good. The cause of temperance will never prosper in this part of the State, until a Maine Liquor Law is in force, as both Brandy and Whiskey can be purchased publicly for from 50¢ to $2.00 per gallon.

In relation to the condition of the poor of this Division, I think I can safely say