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The testimony of Freedmen is duly recognized by the Courts when they can have any of their complaints acted upon.

The cause of Temperance among the Freedmen is getting along very slowly though I believe the society in this place is making its meetings more interesting than formerly by introducing debates on various subjects, reading, swiping &c.

The School in this City is still closed for want of a teacher. The Freedpeople on Apple Pie Ridge about 4 miles from Winchester Frederick County have opened a self supporting School themselves, it was opened on the 10th of Sept and number about 25 scholars with the prospects of an increased number before long. The Freedpeople at White Hall Frederick County have a nice school house ready for use, and are very anxious to have a school opened during the coming month. they made application to me for a teacher and I communicated with the superintendent of Education for the State to supply them, in August last but have heard nothing from him on the subject there might be schools opened at other points in this Division with but very little assistance from the Government,