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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 
Office, 1st. Div., 1st Sub-District, Va.
Norfolk, Va. October 31st 1867.

Bvt Brig Gen O. Brown
Asst Comr
In compliance with Circular No 6. Series 1866 from Headquarters Asst Comr Virginia.  I have the honor to submit the following report;

The destitute Freedpeople turned over to the city authorities are provided for as well as the limited means at their command will permit  Their only was of providing for them is to send them to the Poor Houses, which the colored people strongly object to and no doubt many of them suffer rather than go there. 

The supply of labor is about equal to the demand and all who wish to do so can find employment.  Owing to the coldness of the weather during the month. a large amount of clothing was issued to those who were unable to procure it otherwise. 

Some of the schools have opened, but many are yet closed from want of teachers. whose arrival

Transcription Notes:
"Bvt" Brig Gen Asst "Comr" (twice throughout) following "report:" add line breaks for new paragraphs ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-20 21:01:46