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Office, First Division, Seventh Sub-District,
Lynchburg, Va., Oct 31st 1867

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O Brown 
Asst. Commr. Dist of Va. 
Pursuant to the requirement of Circular No. 10 Series of 1866, I have the honor to report, little change in Bureau affairs during the month. 
Duties connected with Registration have prevented my usual attendance upon the Courts. 
The Crops have pretty generally been gathers. Tobacco was much injured by the frost, in many localities. 
The health of the freed people continues good. 
Applications for rations have ceased. 
The schools have opened and are generally well attended. 
No new temperance societies have been organised & the excitement attending election has prevented much being done in that particular, though the colored people have behaved well, and generally have deported themselves in a sober manner. 
There is much said in regard to discharging the Colored people, because they voted the Radical ticket, many of them have received notice to gather their Crops and leave, though but comparatively