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consequence is that there are many who have come here since 1861 that belong to other and wealthier communities, that are able to provide for them were they returned to those counties, which the authorities here propose to do, and thus relieve this community of an almost intolerable burden; If some measure of this kind is not adopted the Bureau will of a necessity have to commence the issue of wood and rations, in order to prevent great destitution and suffering among the freed people.

There has been no trouble or disturbance among the people, notwithstanding some such trouble was anticipated. The election passed off very quietly, the colored people evincing no intention or desire to cause trouble, although firm and determined in their conduct in regard to maintaining their position and rights.

There have been no discharges on account of the freedpeople exercising the elective franchise in the way they thought proper, to my knowledge in this Sub-Dist: some charges of that nature were advanced, but upon investigation were not substantiated.