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First Division, 7th Bureau, Sub-District,
Lynchburg, Va, Nov 30th 1867

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown
Asst. Commr. Dist of Va

In compliance with the requirements of Circular no 6- series of 1866, I have the honor to report; that freedmens affairs are somewhat in an unsettled state - the result of the late elections. Many threats were made to discharge freedmen because of their having voted the Radical ticket, but were rarely carried out, & in no case, where the party was not paid up to date. Many have no homes secured for the coming year owing to an indisposition on the part of the whites of the whites to Contract on the one hand & a determination of the freedmen to form protective societies in the [[?]] through the agency of the League - hold off & compel higher rates of wages than have heretofore been paid.

The crops are generally gathered & the yield has been better than was expected.

There is comparatively little pauperism, & few applications have been made for aid. Under the force of circumstances, the overseers of the poor are doing the best they can to help needy freedmen.

The Temperance movement will prove a failure- at least

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