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5th Pge

menced the 27th day of May last and now numbers one hundred & twenty-five (125) pupils, including the day & evening schools.  Some of the pupils have made very rapid progress.  Over fifty who did not know the alphabet at the commencement now read quite readily in the First & Second series of readers.  The teachers are very zealous in their work & are well realizing the results of their labors.  The Sabbath School too, connected therein constitutes a very important part towards the advancement of these people.

It numbers one hundred (100) scholars and the teachers have awakened therein a very lively interest.  For instance, only a Sabbath or two since, one of the children repeated, which he had learned the week previous, seven chapters of the New Testament & with very little prompting.

Several others repeated nearly as many.  This is hardly to be excelled in any Sabbath School at the  South.

In the moral, social, educational & religious advancement of the youth of this unfortunate race lies the only hope for their future welfare & [[strikethrough]] existence [[/strikethrough]] prosperity.  Much cannot be reasonably expected from the adults & aged, who have passed a life-time in slavery which entailed upon them a thousand degrading evils.  Here the Freedmen's Bureau, being the only tangible guide & guard to these emancipated slaves, is brought into direct requisition, 

Transcription Notes:
1st word, commenced, on previous page. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-21 08:16:18 so, per SI, put the FULL word on both pages. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-21 20:32:35