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6 Page

not only in guaranteeing protection to the youth in their schools, but in throwing around the adults & laborers, the aged & infirm a protecting arm against the incursions of their hostile surroundings.  The recent exercise of their


rights conferred upon them by the general government has intensified the innate prejudice of the White race toward them into absolute & bitter hatred, because they would not exercise that privilege to enslave themselves again, but exercised it in opposition to their old masters.  Hence more than ever do they need governmental protection, which they will need till the government & administration of the laws of these states are secure in loyal hands.  Remove now the support & guidance to these people of the Freedmen's Bureau and their lives ever would be jeopardized. 

The Civil Courts

and nearly all of the public functionaries connected therewith are biased & controlled by prejudice & partiality in the exercise of their duties, whenever it is one race vs the other, and the rendition of judgements & verdicts is invoked & strongly tinctured with unfairness and prejudice toward the Freedmen.  Military interposition has frequently become necessary & indispensable. 

Transcription Notes:
Top is hard to decipher but page before said 5 Pg, so I assume that the first symbol is a 6.