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7 page

Office Books & Affairs

In the office of the Bureau R.F. & A.L. for this Division are kept three (3) books. "A Letter Book", a "Letter Received & Endorsement Book" and a "Complaint Book"  In the latter are entered the complaints of Freedmen and the disposition made thereof. During the last twelve months not less than one thousand complaints were logged at this office, mostly by Freedmen against Whites. They were from a multiplicity of causes and of a great variety of forms. Some came for advice, some to have their accounts examined & verified, some were complaints of domestic & family troubles, but the majority of the complaints were against the Whites for assault or assault & battery, for paid or unfairness or dismissal &c. Some of them which required litigation were referred to the civil authorities for action, some being trivial & unsuffered were dismissed, some were compromised and some, or rather many, were adjudicated at this office, in some instances at the request of both parties, some I acted upon as Military Commissioner when & after the civil authorities had failed to render judgement or justice.

The Crops.

Harvest time being over the crops are generally secured and