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The girl, whose name I do not now recollect, was living in June last, with a gentleman in Huron as a servant. Being apparently about to be delivered of a child, he drove her from his house, telling her she should not be confined on his premises. The girl was 16 years old. She started for her mothers, who lived some distance away, & was taken sick & delivered of a child in the woods alone. As soon as she could do so she reached her mother's cabin. A day or two after the body of a dead child was found in the woods, & the girl was arrested for murdering it. The girl declared it was born dead, & no measures were taken to ascertain whether it had ever breathed or not. Some time since a trial was had & the jury convicted the accused of murder in the second degree, & sentenced her to several years imprisonment in the penitentiary. 

She was defended by Mr. Tutwiler, who after great exertion, procured an order from the court setting the verdict aside, and a new trial was ordered. Last Tuesday was the day assigned for the second trial. But on motion of Mr. Tutwiler the court ordered a nol prosequi to be entered

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