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is not under advisement and during the Coming Month arrangements will probably be matured placing the Entire cleared portion of the Farm under rental, it is hoped that the result may be beneficial to both the Bureau and the Colored people, The demand for Labor is good, there are no unemployed Freedmen in the Division. There seems to be very little disposition among the Freedmen to make Contracts for the Season. The Colored people are quick and orderly and quite a number of them have purchased small tracts of Land for themselves paying Cash for the same.

[[margin note]] X [[/margin note]]

There are no Schools in the Division (either White or Colored) and the want of them is severely felt, the Children are running loose, it is hoped that the Schools in the farm may be reestablished 

Temperance has been practiced among the Freedmen of this division in that the aid of any Society, this far, and an intemperate Freedman it rarely seen. The limited time that I have