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times a quantity of fuel, of this the colored people were deprived except a few cases to whom wood was given for effort not from sympathy or desire, I recommend that the Bureau discontinue the issue of rations to all whites except those who have some claims on the Government for their loyalty during the war and compell the civil authorities to maintain their own paupers. With reference to the work of temperance among the colored people of this City where it is so much needed, I am able to state that during the present month some progress has been made which will no doubt result in reforming a considerable number. A Lincoln Temperance Society has been formed in Monroe Ward which promises to be a complete success. This work is also being encouraged in other wards of the city. It has been thought advisable to close the Bureau Soup House on the 1st Proximo; this I believe can be done without incurring additional expense, With reference to the issue of rations I would suggest that in future no tickets by issued on the Bureau Commissary. Let the whole matter be placed in the hands of two experienced and trustworthy men one to take charge of and superintend the issue and the other to record the number of