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necessary, and Clothing when required, will be paid for in the same manner, as provided;

Schools &c,
A hasty truce made recently through the County of Gloucester, with the view of establishing schools, in each district, for the benefit of the freedpeople, enables me to report their willingness and ability to meet the expense of purchasing land and material necessary for school purposes. I felt so far authorized as to assure them the assistance of the Bureau, to the extent of providing them with teachers, competent to reveal what appeared to them as the mystery of knowledge, at the same time charging them, in the purchasing of land for this purpose to be sure of a clear and indisputable title thereto, and pointing out the manner in which they were to obtain this necessary information. The two primary schools in operation in Matthews County considering the competency of teachers will compare favorable with any of the same character in the State.

On the whole, affairs pertaining to the Bureau and condition of the freed people generally - with the exception of matters political in which they manifest great interest - but little has occurred worthy of particular notice; and if in the matter of politics I have so far committed an error in efforts to obtain information in reference to their views  aims and purposes in the approaching election you will please pardon the offence and set me right on the matter.

Very Respectfully
Your. Obdt. Servt,
Thomas J. Rice
A.S.A. Commissioner