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June 19th  7

Major. A.W. Preston,
A.A.A. General, Bu. R.F. and A.L.
State of Mississippi
Vicksburg, Miss.


I have the honor to recommend that the Non-Commissioned Officer, that is sent by Maj. Catlin, Commanding Post, to Vicksburg for the purpose of drawing rations for Co. "D" 24th Inft. be instructed to take charge of the rations for the Howard Hospital, Howard Asylum, and Employees in the Bu. R.F. and A.L. ration return of which I enclose herewith.

If this meets with your favorable consideration, I have the honor to ask that the rations be transmitted to Capt. J.H. [[Chapman?]] A.C.S. Sub. Dist of Miss. with instructions to that effect.

I am, Major,
Your obedient servant
Jas W. Sunderland
Capt V.R.C. Sub Asst Comr