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6 Office Sub Asst Commissioner Dist of Lauderdale, Lauderdale, Miss. March 13th., 1867 Respectfully referred to Mr Mindenhall Supt Howard Orphan Asylum for the information asked in endorsement from Dist Head Quarters, dated March 9, 67. Jas W. Sunderland Capt V.R.C & Sub Asst. Comr Endorsement on Communication from A.A. Surg. H. H. Penniman who requests that transportation be procured for Laura Bonnor from Lauderdale, Miss to Mobile, Ala. Office Asst Sub Commr Lauderdale, Miss. Jany 29 1867 Respectfully forwarded (Sigd) D. M. White, Lieut V.R.C A.S.C. Head Qrs. Dist. Miss, Bu. RF. and A.L. Vicksburg, Febry 2' 1867. Respectfully forwarded to Maj Gen O. O. Howard Commissioner, Bu. R.F and A.L. recommended. (Sig'd) A. C. Gillem Col 24" Inft'y Bvt Brig Genl, U.S.A. and Asst. Comm'r. War Dept. Bu. R.F and A.L. Washington Feby 9, 1867. Respectfully referred to Bvt Brig Gen H. M. Whittlesey C.Q.M. By order of Maj Gen O. O. Howard sig'd A. P. Ketchum A.A.A. Genl 7 Bu. R.F. and A.L. Office Chief Quartermaster Washington Feby. 11th, 1867. Respectfully returned to Bv't Brig Ge'l Alvan C. Gillem, Asst Comm'r Bu. R.F. and A.L. for state of Miss, remarking, that it does not appear that Laura Bonnor is now dependent upon the Gov't for support. If she is so dependent, such information should accompany the application for transportation as will enable the proper officer of the Bureau at Mobile to ascertain if her parents really reside there, and if they are able and willing to support her Attention is invited to the last paragraph of Circular No 1 from this Office of July 2, 1867 (Copy enclosed) By Command of Maj Genl O. O. Howard (Sig'd) Henry M Whittlesey Bvt Brig Genl & Chief Q.M. Bu. R.F. and A.L. Hd Qrs. Dist. Miss. Bu. R. F and A.L. Vicksburg, Miss. Feb'y 20, 1867 Respectfully referred to Dr. Penniman. Attention invited to endorsement from office Cheif [[Chief]] Q.M. Bu. R.F and A.L. Washington, D.C. These papers to be returned to this Office By order of Bvt. Brig Genl Gillem (Sig'd) A. W. Preston, A.A.A. Gen'l. Office Sub Comm'r Bu R.F and A.L. Meridian, Miss. Febry 22, 1867 Respectfully referred to Dr Penniman thro' Lieut White Asst. Sub. Commr Dist Meridian - Attention called to the endorsement from Hd. Qrs. Dist of Miss dated Feby 20th, 1867 (Sg'd) J W Sunderland Capt &. Asst Sub Commr
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